We believe in the value of responsible pet ownership

We love pets, but we had a pet peeve
Welcome to PooPrints Canada.
How I turned my “Pet Peeve” into a “Pet Business”.
In March 2016, I was taking my friends dog (Winston) out for a little relief in the newly completed, June Callwood Park, between Fort York Blvd. and Fleet St. in downtown Toronto.
Winston stretched his little legs, sniffed around and found a desirable place to do his business. And of course, I pulled out my trusty poo-bag holder, pulled out a bag, reached down and picked up the little guy’s poop. I tied the bag and carried it over to the closest pet waste bin and dropped it in. Mission complete.
We continued to walk around the small park, as Winston sniffed about everything he could find interesting. Quickly it became evident that his main attraction was other dogs discarded and unscooped waste.
Withing roughly 30 minutes, Winston had discovered, and tried to sniff, roughly (6) six discarded and unscooped dog poops. With each mound he discovered, I found myself less shocked and more disgusted. “Who on earth would do this? This is a beautiful newly developed park, for all of us to enjoy with our pets.” I couldn’t understand it.
I sat there with Winston; on the concrete bench-like structure provided, for another 30 minutes, as I observed several other dog owner/parents with their dogs, and each of them did exactly as I did – They all reached down and picked up and placed it in the bins.
I began to think, if all the dog owners that I observed were picking up, “where was all of the unscooped dog poop coming from”?
More to come about… “How I turned my Pet Peeve into a Pet Business.”
The questions and answers continued…